What is Reiki?

The word Reiki translated means ‘Universal Life Force’. It’s the same energy that surrounds us in nature.

Reiki helps assist our many systems to self-heal and therefore supports them work to their full potential. It is a therapy often described as hands-on-body healing, in which a practitioner places hands lightly on or over a clients body to relax them and assist the natural process of healing.

With the intention to improve one’s personal wellness, sessions are a pleasant and relaxing experience. The practice can help ease stress, lower blood pressure and help to support the body by creating an environment for healing on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.

Reiki is not a cure for a disease or illness, but it may assist the body in creating an environment to facilitate healing. It is a great tool to use as a complement to traditional medicine and is practised in many hospitals and medical care centres. Reiki benefits people from all walks of life, is not connected to any religion and is safely used on babies, children, house pets, animals and plants.

The Reiki Principles

Just for today, I let go of anger
Just for today, I let go of worry
Just for today, I am kind
Just for today, I work with integrity
Just for today, I give thanks for my many blessings.


Reiki Teaching

Many clients, after experiencing Reiki treatments, will wish to learn Reiki to work with this energy themselves, taking a Reiki 1 self-healing course. Become a Reiki practitioner by completing Reiki level 11 and a Reiki master completing level 111.

Contact Eileen for information if you’re interested in joining or organising a class.

What People Are Saying


“I am a sufferer of IBS especial when I get anxious and stressed. At these times my go-to is Eileen, I’m not quite sure if it’s the Reiki or spending time with Eileen and her calming energy and having a rant but it works every time.”

— Sinead

“I can understand why some don't believe in Reiki but as someone who had cancer and went through chemotherapy, take it from me it helped. Maybe it's just human psychology, but it helped me relax and takes the focus off my illness.”

— John

“I was going to the clothes line, tripped and hurt my ankle. Eileen was visiting me and she immediately performed a Reiki treatment. This gave me immediate pain relief and I was back on my feet the next day. It has to be experienced to be believed.”

— Ellen